
The GreenH2Atlantic project consists in a 100 MW flexible green hydrogen production to be installed in Sines, Portugal, to supply multiple end-uses. The consortium developing this project is composed of 13 European companies from the full value chain and of research partners, to which McPhy will bring the electrolysis technological brick.
• Electrolysis: 100 MW electrolysis platform
• Innovative technology “Augmented McLyzer”: scalable and fast-cycling
• 41 tons of green hydrogen to be produced per day, 10 000 tons yearly and 80 kilotons of Co2 emissions avoided / year (equivalent of 18 700 passenger vehicles driven in one year)
• Industrial & energy uses: refinery and injection in the gas grid
• Construction expected start: 2024 | Operation expected start: by the end of 2026
With the creation of a ‘hydrogen valley’, GreenH2Atlantic will significantly contribute to the sustainability goals of the region and Portugal, providing an important contribution to the European energy roadmap.
Under the name GreenH2Atlantic, a consortium of 13 companies and research partners are selected by the European Commission as part of the Green Deal to develop a renewable hydrogen production hub at 100 MW scale in Sines, Portugal.
The consortium supporting this project includes McPhy and companies such as EDP, Galp, ENGIE, Bondalti, Martifer, Vestas Systems A/S and Efacec, and academic and research partners such as ISQ, INESC-TEC, DLR and CEA, in addition to a public-private cluster, Axelera.
GreenH2Atlantic was one of the three projects selected by the Horizon 2020 – Green Deal Call to demonstrate the viability of green hydrogen production on an unprecedented scale.
The 30 million euros grant will help to finance the construction of the hydrogen plant, located in the coal-fired power plant area in Sines. The construction should start in 2024 and operation is expected to begin in 2026, subject to securing the necessary authorizations by the authorities.
McPhy has been selected as preferred partner, with its innovative electrolysis technology “Augmented McLyzer” which will convert green electricity by electrolysis into more than 41 tons of clean hydrogen per day. This 100 MW electrolyzer will be composed of innovative, scalable and fast-cycling 16 MW modules designed, manufactured and integrated by McPhy. The electrolysis platform is to supply low-carbon hydrogen for industrial (refinery) and energy (injection in the gas grid) uses, upscaling the link between renewables and industry, mobility and energy applications.
Low-carbon hydrogen is expected to become one of the pillars of economic growth, for it is a decisive energy vector in the decarbonization process for the main sectors of the economy.
This project will enable the transition of a former coal-fired power plant into an innovative renewable hydrogen production hub and create a ‘hydrogen valley’ centered in Sines. GreenH2Atlantic will significantly contribute to the sustainability goals of the region and Portugal, providing an important contribution to Europe’s decarbonization and energy transition strategies.
Recently, in December 2022, The GreenH2Atlantic project, has been granted the PIN (Potential National Interest) status.

Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program
The project GreenH2Atlantic has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement nº 101036908.
| Markets
- Industry
- Energy
Learn more about the H2 applications in the section: “Markets”.
| Equipment & Services
- “Augmented McLyzer” technology: 100 MW electrolysis platform
Learn more about the solutions in the section: “Equipment & Services”.
| Customer
- European Commission as part of the Green Deal
- Location: Sines, Portugal
- Construction expected start: 2024 | Operation expected start: end of 2026
- Project website :