Paglia Orba

The objective of the smart platform installed at the University of Corse Pasquale Paoli in Ajaccio, is to experience both the energy storage and network management technologies in an island environment.
• Hydrogen production and storage in island environments
• Paglia Orba, Corsica, France | Commissioning: 2016
The platform combines various electrical production facilities, among which a photovoltaic array. There, our McLyzer 10-10 produces “green hydrogen” to manage the power fluctuations of intermittently available renewable energy sources and to send power back to the micro-network in the evening.
A second tender process will soon allow the installation to be completed by a hydrogen storage solution, such as LTS / McStore.
If the results are conclusive, hydrogen energy is expected to address new fields of application such as hydrogen mobility and will, hopefully, be disseminated throughout the “Island of Beauty”.
| Markets
- Research and innovation
- Energy storage | Power to Power
- Hydrogen for local communities
Learn more about the H2 applications in the section: “Markets”.
| Equipment & Services
- Electrolyzer McLyzer 10-10
- McStore (planned for the project’s 2nd stage)
Learn more about the solutions in the section: “Equipment & Services”.
| Customer
- Université de Corse Pasquale di Paoli, CNRS, CEA
- Location: Paglia Orba |Corse (France)
- Commissioning : 2016