10th International Meeting of Ecological Vehicles in Alès

Come & see us on July the 4th and the 5th, at the Pôle Mécanique d’Alès (France).
On the mechanical pole of Alès (France), in the heart of the Occitania region known for its proactive energy policy; and particularly in favor of the deployment of clean hydrogen, the RIVE are an inescapable meeting place for public stakeholders and professionals in the mobility sector.
This is a great opportunity to make interim reviews of the challenges of sustainable mobility and transport in the face of the environmental challenge we face.
On the agenda for these two days: conferences, discovery of new innovations in ecological vehicles, vehicle testing on the track and networking!… Don’t miss it!
Organize your BtoB appointments with the Swapcard application, after having done your online registration: https://www.rive-event.com/gestion/register.php
The whole program & registration is available online: https://www.rive-event.com/
| International Meetings on Ecological Vehicles (RIVE) | July 4 & 5, 2019 | Mechanical pole of Alès (France)