The Normandy Region is implementing its own Hydrogen Plan. Its goal is: to strengthen the role of hydrogen in the energy transition.
• Stations equipped with IR connector for 350-700 bar compatibility
• Inter-operability (FillnDrive)
• Normandy Region, France | Commissioning: 2019-2020
The EAS-HyMob program is an ambitious program which aims to position the Region at the forefront of the hydrogen revolution.
Eas-HyMob should make it possible to set up an initial network of 15 hydrogen refueling stations on the main Norman roads, linking the major agglomerations. The installation of each refueling station will be synchronized with the deployment of a fleet of approximately 250 hydrogen vehicles.
McPhy will provide 7 hydrogen stations to support the deployment of hydrogen mobility in the Eure and Calvados communities.
| Markets
- Hydrogen mobility
- H2 in the territories
Learn more about the H2 applications in the section: “Markets”.
| Equipment & Services
- 7 McFilling 20-350
Learn more about the solutions in the section: “Equipment & Services”.
| Client
Location: Normandie (France)
Commissioning: 2019 – 2020