
Launched in 2014 in Troia, in the region of Apulia, the INGRID platform is an impressive energetic hub putting hydrogen solid state storage at the heart of the project’s architecture.
• 5 storage blocks: 750 kg of stored hydrogen
• Taoia, Italy | Commissioning: 2016
McPhy plays a key role in this project, since the company gives its support based on its considerable expertise in solid-state storage technology to establish its feasibility “at large scale” (750kg of hydrogen stored); and also to demonstrate the economical relevance of the business model generated.
McPhy supplies
- Five storage units
Each one presenting a hydrogen storage capacity of 150 kg, our HDS150 contain the McPhy
Energy disks. The blocks are transportable and, once filled, will be transported to the
final user. - Three hydrogen loading stations
Installed on the INGRID site, they allow the McStore blocks to be filled with the hydrogen produced by the on-site electrolysis unit. - Unloading station
Installed on the final Customer’s site, this unit allows the blocks to release the stored hydrogen and use it for new energetic applications.
Commissioned at the end of 2016, INGRID is a unique platform, a showcase for solid-state hydrogen storage technology.
| Markets
- Energy storage
- Research and Innovation
Learn more about the H2 applications in the section: “Markets”.
| Equipment & Services
- McStore (750 kg)
Learn more about the solutions in the section: “Equipment & Services”.
| Key points
- Location: Troia (Italy)
- Commissioning: end-2016
Watch the video on the Ingrid project.