Hyvolution Paris

As every year, McPhy will be thrilled to be present for one of the unmissable events in the hydrogen sector: Hyvolution. This event, organized by France Hydrogène, will be held from Tuesday, January 30 to Thursday, February 1, 2024 at the Porte de Versailles Exhibition Center.
The meeting of hydrogen players
A major event in the hydrogen ecosystem, Hyvolution will bring together more than 550 key exhibitors in the sector, offering opportunities for rich exchanges as well as for sharing knowledge and experience between players in the sector.
With nearly 70 conferences and 200 speakers, this will be the place to be for hydrogen innovation. There will also be a strong international presence, with nearly 25 countries exhibiting.
Finally, to keep abreast of European and national developments in the sector, HyVolution Summit will be held alongside the show – a high-level conference within the show, bringing together national and international decision-makers to discuss the future of hydrogen.
This not-to-be-missed event will also be an opportunity to discover the many job opportunities within McPhy thanks to the Jobs & Training Campus set up at the show. Careers at McPhy – McPhy
We look forward to seeing you there! Come and visit us on our stand in Pavilion 4, No. 4S45, to meet our team and discover, or rediscover, our innovative hydrogen production and distribution solutions.
Info & registration
| Hyvolution
from Tuesday, January 30 to Thursday, February 1 in Paris
1 Place de la Porte de Versailles, 75015 Paris | Booth N° 4S45
| Conference slot: Tuesday, January 30 at 15:30
Scale Up H2 : Synergies between McPhy and Vulcain to secure the installation and start-up of H2 facilities, Bertrand Amelot, Executive Vice-Président-Sales & Marketing
For more information and registration: Homepage – Visiteurs | Hyvolution 2024