“The Customer Service Center is more than just a department – it’s a company mindset.”
Because Customer satisfaction is our priority, McPhy takes a Customer-Centric approach and proposes a large range of services.
To work alongside you before, during and after the installation of your hydrogen project
Our approach is “value creation” oriented: we design, manufacture and install hydrogen solutions that are adapted to your reality and your issues. Our vision is pragmatic – it’s about applying our experience and expertise toward your productivity, energy efficiency and economic performance.
With its 3 Customer Service Centers in France, Italy and Germany, McPhy can provide its Customers the support they need throughout the duration of their projects:
Our commitment: reactivity and transparency
- Training for maintenance and operations installation,
- Assistance with maintenance operations,
- Additional study for phases of the work,
- Provision of support during the administrative authorization phases …
- McVision service supervision: a service solution for the electrolyzers and service stations which includes: alarm reports, production ans distribution parameters monitoring, reporting, and more.

Our Teams are at your disposal and can be contacted directly by telephone or e-mail.