Green Hydrogen Summit Chile

On January 19, 2022, McPhy will have the pleasure of participating in the Green Hydrogen Summit – Chile, the 4th edition of a physical and digital international congress that will put green hydrogen at the heart of its conferences. This event is co-organized by Corfo, CEPAL (Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH and Cooperacion Alemana Deutsche Zusammenarbeit.
How to accelerate green hydrogen markets at national and international level?
Among the answers, the competitiveness of green hydrogen is one of the key levers to accelerate the massification of uses on a global scale.
Luc Poyer, Chairman of McPhy, will approach this theme “Costs and challenges of deploying green hydrogen” in a Panel alongside other leaders of the sector as Paulo Alvarenga, CEO of Thyssenkrupp, Jens Bischoff, Business Development Manager of Enapter, Steve Szy -manski, Vice-President Sales & Marketing of NEL & Graham Cooley, CEO of ITM Power.
This congress will bring together authorities and company representatives of the international hydrogen ecosystem. In addition to the program of conferences, an interactive platform dedicated to business meetings and a virtual fair hosting interactives stands will be accessible to participants :
Info & Registration
| Green Hydrogen Summit – Chile 2022: 4th International Conference – Physical & virtual event
January 19, 2022
Estadio Corfo Las Condes 11755, Las Condes Santiago
| McPhy’s Panel: January 19, 2022 | 4:10PM – 5PM (UTC + 1)
“Cost and deployment challenges for green hydrogen”, Luc Poyer, Chairman of McPhy
For more information and registration: