INSA-CVL Hydrogen Safety Day

McPhy will participate in a “Hydrogen Safety Day” co-organized by INSA Centre Val de Loire and Gexcon dedicated to the hydrogen sector. This event will take place on Thursday, December 2, 2021 at the Amphi papillon of INSA Center Val de Loire in the city of Bourges and Blois.
Safety: a priority at the heart of hydrogen production and distribution
Thursday, December 2, an educational day is organized in the premises of INSA Centre Val de Loire. It aims to make the students aware of the importance of safety applied to the field of hydrogen.
Management, production, storage, distribution … on the program, around fifteen companies and research centers will talk about the subject of safety in the hydrogen sector.
Tantely Rabemanantsoa, Group QEHS Manager of McPhy, will speak during the session about Hydrogen production at 11:25 am on the subject of “Alkaline electrolyzer and safety concept”.
Info & Registration
Practical information:
| Hydrogen Safety Day INSA-CVL
December 2, 2021, Bourges and Blois
88 Boulevard Lahitolle, 18000 Bourges
| McPhy round table: December 2, 2021 11:25 am-12:40 pm
Session Hydrogen production “Alkaline electrolyzer and safety concept”, Tantely Rabemanantsoa, Group QEHS Manager of McPhy
For more information & program: