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Past events
from 2017-06-20 to 2017-06-21
H2 Days in the territories
McPhy is part of the 5th edition of the H2 Days in the territories in Nantes!
from 2017-06-06 to 2017-06-07
Smart Energies Expo Paris
Pascal MAUBERGER (McPhy's Chairman and CEO) will give a speech during this two-day event dedicated to the future of energy.
from 2017-04-24 to 2017-04-28
SimpleFuel showcased for the 1st time in Europe!
The "all-in-one" hydrogen station SimpleFuel has been showcased for the very first time in Europe during the Hannover Messe, the world's leading industrial technology event.
from 2017-01-17 to 2017-01-23
Inauguration de la station H2 McFilling installée à Rovaltain
Engagée dans la mobilité zéro émission, Valence Romans Sud Rhône Alpes inaugure sa station H2, qui ravitaillera en hydrogène les véhicules utilitaires H2 de l’Agglo et d’une dizaine d’opérateurs privés.