Webinar organized by the World Energy Council Finland

The World Energy Council in Finland is a network of leaders and practitioners promoting an affordable, stable and environmentally sensitive energy system.
On Monday, 18 May 2020, the WEC Finland organizes with the great support of the FCH-JU, a webinar entitled “The future of hydrogen: hope or hype”.
Among the leading hydrogen players invited “on e-stage” to share their prospective views, Bertrand AMELOT Chief Sales Officer of McPhy, gives a keynote about the McPhy approach towards large-scale deployment of alkaline electrolysis.
More info about:
- McPhy electrolysis technology: https://mcphy.com/en/our-products-and-solutions/electrolyzers/augmented-mclyzer/
- The WEC Finland and the event: https://wecfinland.fi/events/the-future-of-hydrogen-webinar/
- The FCH-JU: https://www.fch.europa.eu/event/webinar-world-energy-council-finland-future-hydrogen
Info & Registration
| Webinar ‘Future of hydrogen: Hype or Hope”
Monday,18 may 2020
| Keynote of Bertrand AMELOT, Chief Sales Officer McPhy
Monday, 18 may 2020 at 11.55 CEST
“100-MW scale alkaline electrolysers by 2030 – the McPhy approach”