World record attempt for the autonomy of a hydrogen vehicle

25, November 2019 – Located in Sarreguemines, France, the FaHyence hydrogen station welcomes today a world record for the autonomy of a hydrogen vehicle. Bertrand Piccard President of the Solar Impulse Foundation and Hyundai Ambassador, has always been very committed to sustainable mobility. He will attempt with a Nexo, a hydrogen electric vehicle to set the world record for the farthest range of a hydrogen vehicle by driving more than 700 km with a single charge.
In practice
The world record attempt takes place on 25 and 26 November 2019, with a route from the hydrogen station located in Sarreguemines (France, “FaHyence” project) to the “Musée de l’Air et de l’Espace” in Le Bourget (France), going to different stages in Metz, Luxembourg and Brussels.
During his journey, Bertrand Piccard will welcome onboard personalities who provide solutions and who push technologies that we believe can contribute to clean mobility, to raise awareness and mobilize the general public and policy makers on new non-polluting energies, among which: hydrogen.
Follow the event live on Twitter!
FaHyence: an emblematic starting point for the zero emission mobility
Located in the French city of Sarreguemines, the FaHyence hydrogen station has been chosen as the starting point of this world record attempt. Let’s recall that McPhy technologies equip this hydrogen refueling station, the very first one in France to produce, on-site and on-demand, clean hydrogen, converting the local renewable energies into clean fuel. For more than 2 years, this station fills up the fuel cell electric vehicles with non-polluting energy, contributing to a whole zero emission mobility chain.
A pioneer in terms of hydrogen mobility the “Communauté de Communes Sarreguemines Confluence” (“CASC”), indeed initiated a strong policy in favor of transport decarbonation. Low carbon mobility has been identified as a strategic pillar of the territory’s “Climate Plan”. As such, the hydrogen station “Fahyence » is the product of two years of close collaboration between CASC, EDF, McPhy and EIFER who have associated their expertise to design, scale and build a solution for clean hydrogen production and distribution. Partnering the project, Symbio delivered Kangoo H2-type vehicles to different public and private users who now use hydrogen for their daily professional activities.
This project has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 671438 and No 700350. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, Hydrogen Europe Research and Hydrogen Europe.
Follow the event, live on Twitter!
More info about the FaHyence project?
Read the PR dedicated to the commissioning of the station [11 April 2017] :
About Hyundai
Hyundai has been involved in the development, production and marketing of vehicles equipped with eco-technologies since 2009 and we are investing heavily in “zero-emission” mobility.
In 2018, NEXO completed the “zero-emission” approach. We are a pioneer and first in the race for Fuel Cell technology (beginning in 1998) and the first to sell hydrogen vehicles produced in series (ix35 Fuel Cell in 2014).
Hyundai, the 5th largest manufacturer in the world, is today the only brand on the market to offer all the technologies: 48v hybrid, hybrid, plug-in hybrid, battery-powered electric, hydrogen electric.
A propos de McPhy
Spécialiste des équipements de production, stockage et distribution d’hydrogène, McPhy contribue au déploiement mondial de l’hydrogène propre comme solution pour la transition énergétique.
Fort de sa gamme complète dédiée à l’hydrogène énergie, à la mobilité zéro émission et à l’hydrogène industriel, McPhy offre à ses clients des solutions clés en main adaptées à leurs applications de stockage et valorisation des surplus d’électricité d’origine renouvelable, de recharge de véhicules électriques à pile à combustible et d’approvisionnement en matière première industrielle.
Concepteur, fabricant et intégrateur d’équipements hydrogène depuis 2008, McPhy dispose de trois centres de développement, ingénierie et production en Europe (France, Italie, Allemagne). Ses filiales à l’international assurent une large couverture commerciale à ses solutions hydrogène innovantes.
McPhy est coté sur Euronext Paris (compartiment C, code ISIN : FR0011742329, code mnémonique : MCPHY).
Relations presse
Nicolas Merigeau
T. +33 (0)1 44 71 94 98
Relations Investisseurs
Julie Coulot | Emmanuel Huynh
T. +33 (0)1 44 71 20 40