• 1 MW of electrolysis
• 1 hydrogen station: 400 kg of green hydrogen produced per day and 2,200 tons of CO2 avoided per year
• Supply of 5 buses in the urban area of Auxerre (in due course light and heavy vehicles)
• Auxerre, France | Contract: 2020, inauguration in autumn 2021
Today the largest green hydrogen production and distribution site in France.
Inaugurated in October 2021, the AuxHYGen station in Auxerre is today the largest green hydrogen production and distribution site in France.
McPhy supplies to Hynamics the hydrogen equipment for the AuxHYGen project: a 1 megawatt-capacity electrolyzer and distribution station. This dual technology will allow the station to produce and distribute up to 400 kg of green hydrogen per day to first supply a fleet of 5 buses, and thus avoid the release into the atmosphere of 2,200 tons of CO2 per day in a year.
This project begins the development of a real multimodal hydrogen ecosystem in the Auxerrois region. The municipality, supported by ADEME, aims to triple the production capacities of the AuxHYGen station by 2025. [download project press kit | FR]
To date, it supplies 5 buses in the urban area of Auxerre, but aims to supply hydrogen to other modes of transport: light vehicles, trucks and even trains.
By helping to improve air quality, this zero-emission mobility project is an important step in the energy transition and fight against climate change of the region.
ADEME (Agence de la Transition Écologique) is a partner of this project
This project has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking program within the framework of the European Union’s “Horizon 2020” research and innovation program under grant agreement n ° 779563.
| Markets
- Hydrogen mobility
- H2 in the territories
Learn more about the H2 applications in the section: “Markets”.
| Equipment & Services
- 1 MW of alkaline electrolysis
- 1 station with a capacity of 400 kg / day
Learn more about the solutions in the section: “Equipment & Services”.
| Customer
- Hynamics
- Location: Auxerre, France
- Commissioning: inauguration fall 2021
The first high-capacity hydrogen station in Strasbourg
• 1 Dual Pressure refill station 350-750 bar
• 700 kg of green hydrogen distributed per day
• 1 refueling interface for pressurized hydrogen cylinders (“tube trailers”)
• Innovative project for low-carbon mobility
• Strasbourg, France | Contract: 2021, commissioning: end of 2022
The R-Hynoca project illustrates the complementarity of the different green hydrogen production and distribution methods.
The R-Hynoca project led by the R-GDS group aims to decarbonize mobility by installing a high-capacity hydrogen station to supply its R-ENR production site in Strasbourg. The facility will produce carbon-neutral green hydrogen from local biomass (Haffner solution). This hydrogen will be recovered as a fuel for low-carbon mobility and as a resource for industry.
McPhy will supply a dual pressure station (350-750 bar) equipped with two terminals for recharging all types of hydrogen mobility: a “Dual Pressure” terminal, for light vehicles 700 bar and 350 bar and a “Hi-Flow” terminal for buses and heavy goods vehicles.
This large-capacity station will deliver 700 kg of green hydrogen per day, allowing approximately the daily recharging a fleet of 30 buses, or 70 light commercial vehicles, or 150 light vehicles.
McPhy will also equip the production site with a refueling point for pressurized hydrogen cylinders (“tube trailers”) to be transported and used for mobility or industrial applications away from the hydrogen production site.
Innovative and scalable, the modular design of the R-Hynoca project will enable the distribution capacity to be increased at the same rate as the applications will be deployed on the territory.
With this new reference, McPhy stands out among the leaders in hydrogen mobility.
Funded by FCH-JU & European Union, Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe Research
The R-Hynoca project is funded by the public-private partnership FCH-JU3 under the H2ME2 program and grant agreement No. 700339. This joint venture is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Research.
| Markets
- Hydrogen mobility
- H2 in the territories
Learn more about the H2 applications in the section: “Markets”.
| Equipment & Services
- 1 “Dual Pressure” refill station 350-750 bar high capacity 700 kg / day
- 1 “Hi-Flow” station for buses and trucks
- 1 refueling interface for pressurized hydrogen cylinders “tube trailers”
Learn more about the solutions in the section: “Equipment & Services”.
| Customer
- Location: Strasbourg, France
- Contract: 2021
A first hydrogen production and distribution system to be implemented in an airport area
Equipped with a complete zero-carbon hydrogen chain, the HYPORT project meets new mobility and logistics needs of Toulouse-Blagnac airport.
McPhy will equip Toulouse-Blagnac airport with two hydrogen stations: 1 Dual Pressure high-capacity station: 400 kg/d to be deployed in public zone and 1 Starter Kit (20 kg/d at 350 bar), in private restricted zone for airport services.
• A 1 MW alkaline electrolysis platform will complete the equipment to produce green hydrogen on-site
• Toulouse, France | Contract: 2020, deployment end of 2021
McPhy and HYPORT contribute to decarbonize airport areas
McPhy will be a key partner of HYPORT to equip Toulouse-Blagnac airport with a complete zero-carbon hydrogen chain.
The equipment will me made of two hydrogen stations set up in the immediate surroundings of the airport’s runways and roadways. An electrolyzer will also be deployed, with a capacity of 400 kg per day, or the equivalent of 1 MW. It will supply the stations and the nearby industrial sites in green hydrogen.
To meet the airport area needs, a first station “Strater Kit” will be set up in a private restricted zone for airport services.
Equipped with “Dual Pressure” configuration (two distribution pressures: 350 and 700 bar) the second station will be deployed in a public zone and enable all types of vehicles (buses, light commercial vehicles, captive fleets, large goods vehicles, etc.) to be refueled with hydrogen.
This complete zero-carbon hydrogen production and distribution solution, scheduled for the end of 2021, will power nearly 200 vehicles, including a fleet of 4 buses operated by Transdev to transport passengers within the airport.
Beyond its pioneering nature, this project aims to support the deployment of hydrogen as a solution for the energy transition in the airport and aeronautical sector.
Combining mobility, logistics and industrial uses, airports constitute real energy hubs, ideal for the development of hydrogen-based ecosystems. Airport areas are contributing to the so-called “zero-emission” strategies and to fight against climate change.
Project supported by the Région Occitanie & ADEME
This project is supported by the Région Occitanie, the ADEME (the agency for ecological transition) and the JIVE 2 project, co-financed by the FCH JU.
| Markets
- Hydrogen Mobility
- Hydrogen for local communities
Learn more about the H2 applications in the section: “Industry”.
| Equipment & Services
- 1 MW alkaline electrolysis platform
- 1 Dual Pressure high-capacity station: 400 kg/d
- 1 Starter Kit (20 kg/d at 350 bar)
Learn more about the solutions in the section: “Equipment & Services”.
| Customer
- Location: Toulouse, France
- Commissioning: 2021
The largest hydrogen mobility deployment project in France
Zero Emission Valley is one of the most ambitious zero-emission mobility project in Europe
• After having equipped the 1st station of the ZEV project (Chambéry) with a 40kg/day electrolyzer
• McPhy will supply 5 hydrogen stations 400/800 kg / day + 4 MW electrolysis*
• Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Region, France | Contract : June 2020
Zero Emission Valley embodies the energy transition at regional level
Initiated by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional council, deployed by Hympulsion and supported by the European Union, the Zero Emission Valley (ZEV) project stands out by its scale and its innovative nature.
The plan aims at deploying, before the end of 2023, 1,200 fuel cell vehicles, 20 hydrogen stations, including several with electrolyzers to produce hydrogen from renewable electricity without emitting CO2. This project aims to make Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes the pioneering region for hydrogen mobility in France and one of the first carbon-neutral territories at the European level, while helping to create profitable models that can be replicated on a European scale.
The MAT consortium, made up of McPhy, Atawey and TSM, is selected to supply, on the basis of a framework contract, 14 hydrogen stations, several of which equipped with electrolyzers.
Within the consortium, McPhy technologies will equip 5 high-capacity hydrogen stations (McFilling 400/800 kg / day) and several McLyzer electrolyzers*.
With more than 620,000 liters of fossil fuels replaced and more than 1,500 tons of CO2 emissions avoided each year, this project will make it possible to respond to climate challenges, such as those set by the Green Pact for Europe, which aims to make Europe climate neutral by 2050, while demonstrating that economic development, wealth creation and preservation of the environment can be compatible.
Supported by the European Union & ADEME
This project is financed by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region of council, ADEME and the European program CEF Transport.
| Markets
- Hydrogen Mobility
- Hydrogen for local communities
Learn more about the H2 applications in the section: “Markets”.
| Equipment & Services
- 5 stations McFilling 400/800 kg / day*
- 4 MW of electrolysis*
Learn more about the solutions in the section: “Equipment & Services”.
| Customer
- Hympulsion
- Location: AURA region, France
Read the press release
* Among them: 2 HRS and 4 MW ELY are conditional part of the ZEV framework contract [signed on 18 June 2020]
First hydrogen station connected to an electrolyzer
dedicated to public transport in France
A pioneering zero emissions mobility project for heavy transport in France. The “Syndicat mixte des transports Artois-Gohelle” (SMT AG) is launching the first 100% hydrogen bus line and its dedicated station, the precursors of the “zero emissions mobility” revolution, which is spreading in France, Europe and worldwide.
• Fleet of 6 buses powered by a 200 kg/day station connected to 0.5 MW of electrolysis
• Design: Compression redundancy, two distribution units
• 0.5 MW of electrolysis divided into three containers
• Shared Balance of Plant (BOP): support components and auxiliary systems
• Aerial piping system
• Béthune, France | Commissioning: 2019
McPhy technologies equip the entire production and distribution chain of clean hydrogen.
McPhy was selected for the project of the first station for hydrogen bus refueling in France. It will provide clean fuel for the six hydrogen buses that will be deployed on the new High Service Level Bus line that will connect Bruay-La-Buissière to Auchel (Hauts-de-France Region).
Our McLyzer and McFilling technologies are used in this innovative project. Clean hydrogen will thus be produced on site by electrolysis, (from guaranteed renewable electricity from France), before being distributed by the station. After fifteen minutes of recharging, the buses will have a range of more than 300 km.
In its current configuration, the McPhy solution can produce and deliver up to 200 kg of clean hydrogen per day. Its capacity can be increased by 30%, without modifying the total surface area of the installation, if the future needs of the SMT AG require it.
“With our technologies and products, we are contributing to this first-of-its-kind in France, which enables us to set up the first McPhy station for hydrogen buses in the Hauts-de-France region. With state-of-the-art research and innovation and a leading industrial infrastructure, McPhy brings its expertise in hydrogen production and distribution. Our McLyzer electrolyzer will produce on site and from renewable electricity of certified French origin supplied by ENGIE, the clean hydrogen for a high-capacity McFilling hydrogen refueling station with a high service rate. The public transport sector is in the midst of a revolution. By opting for hydrogen mobility, the SMT AG is combining passenger comfort and service continuity while helping reduce atmospheric pollution and improve public health.” | Pascal Mauberger, Chairman and CEO of McPhy
| Markets
- Hydrogen mobility
- H2 in the territories
Learn more about the H2 applications in the section: “Markets”.
| Equipment & Services
- McLyzer 100-30
- McFilling 200-350
Learn more about the solutions in the section: “Equipment & Services”.
| Client
- Engie GNVert
- Location: Houdain (France)
- Commissioning: 2019
Read the press release
Photo credit: ENGIE Cofely – Photographer Arnaud Février
Development of the hydrogen infrastructure of the metropolis of Dijon
• Dijon Métropole is implementing a complete zero-emission hydrogen ecosystem
• McPhy will supply two stations with a capacity of 400 kg of hydrogen per day each, connected to a 1 MW high-power electrolyzer
• Dijon, France | Contract : July 2020
Four distribution terminals for both heavy and light vehicles will thus be available to supply the zero-emission vehicles of the collectivity and its partners. This fleet of hydrogen vehicles will initially be made up of 27 buses, 9 garbage trucks and around 15 light vehicles. The project is expected to reach a total of 200 buses, 50 garbage trucks and 250 light vehicles by 2030.
This project stands out for the positive energy loop it will create in the heart of the Dijon metropolitan area
This project stands out for the positive energy loop it will create in the heart of the Dijon metropolitan area. The electrolyzer connected to produce hydrogen on site will be powered 90% by electricity from a household waste incinerator and the remaining 10% will come from locally produced renewable energies. Consequently, the “Dijon Nord” project will enable the recovery of so-called “fatal” electricity, which would have been lost if it had not been used to power this ecosystem, and avoid nearly 2,500 tons of CO2 emissions per year.
McPhy will supply two McFilling hydrogen stations, one offering a filling pressure of 350 bar and the other offering a “Dual Pressure” configuration (350 and 700 bar), for a total daily potential of 800 kg of hydrogen delivered. Interfaced with the hydrogen stations, the McLyzer electrolyzer will have a production capacity equivalent to 1 MW of high-power electrolysis, ensuring optimal performance and energy efficiency to complete this hydrogen production and distribution ecosystem.
Supported by ADEME
The “Dijon Nord” project has received support and co-financing from the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME).
| Markets
- Hydrogen mobility
- H2 for local communities
Learn more about the H2 applications in the section: “Markets”.
| Equipment & Services
- 2 McFilling 400 kg of hydrogen / day each
- McLyzer 200-30 (1 MW)
Learn more about the solutions in the section: “Equipment & Services”.
| Customer
- Rougeot Energie
- Location: Dijon, France
- Commissioning: 2021
Read the press release
Hydrogen ecosystem at the heart of Lyon’s metropolis
Currently under construction at the port of Lyon, the “Quai des Energies” project will consist in 6 charging stations: two clean hydrogen-, two green electricity- and two biogas-dispensers.
• Phase 2 : 100 kg / day, powered by 2 McLyzer 40-30 electrolyzers
• 2 charging terminals designed for light and heavy vehicles
• Lyon, France | Commissioning: 2020
The “Quai des Energies” is a strategic location, in the immediate proximity of the highway axes as well as the heart of the city of Lyon, which will soon become a Low Emission Zone.
It will meet the needs of all kinds of mobility: personal cars, transport fleets and urban transport vehicles for goods, waste or materials.
In the medium term, clean hydrogen will also be used to refuel waterway boats.
Consisting of two charging stations, the McFilling station will be adapted not only to light, but also to heavy-duty vehicles.
McPhy is participating in this emblematic zero-emission mobility project in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region and is delivering a station with a capacity of 80 kg of hydrogen per day, distributed at 350 bar. Clean hydrogen will be produced directly on-site through water electrolysis made with 100% renewable electricity. It will take over from the McFilling station (with a capacity of 20 kg per day) already in service since 2015 at the Edouard Herriot port of Lyon.
This new hydrogen station is the second phase of the HyWay Project led by the Tenerrdis cluster, which brings together public and private stakeholders around a carbon-free mobility solution.
This project is also part of the European H2ME2 (Hydrogen Mobility Europe 2) program and has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH-JU) under Grant Agreement No. 700350, which is supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 program, Hydrogen Europe and Hydrogen Europe Research. | https://www.fch.europa.eu/
| Markets
- Hydrogen mobility
- Hydrogen for local communities
Learn more about the H2 applications in the section: “Markets”.
| Equipment & Services
- Integrated hydrogen system, pairing an electrolyzer (McLyzer 20-30) and a hydrogen refueling station (McFilling 100-350)
Learn more about the solutions in the section: “Equipment & Services”.
| Customer
- Location: Lyon (France)
- Commissioning: beginning of 2020
Read the press release
Densification of hydrogen infrastructure in the “Grand Ouest” region
• McPhy selected by Total to equip, alongside other partners, the hydrogen project led by the “Automobile Club de l’Ouest”
• The station will be used to charge the first hydrogen bus tested by the metropolis of Le Mans
• Opposite the legendary 24 Hours of Le Mans circuit
• Le Mans, France | Inauguration date: July 2020
McPhy equips the first hydrogen station in Le Mans, opposite the legendary 24 Hours circuit.
McPhy installed the first station in Le Mans near the famous 24 Hours circuit.
In March 2020, McPhy installed and commissioned a McFilling 20-350 station as part of the Le Mans hydrogen project led by the “Automobile Club de l’Ouest”.
The McFilling 20-350 hydrogen station can deliver up to 20 kg of hydrogen per day. Equipped with an infrared connector, the station offers a refueling solution for vehicles with a pressure of 350 bar, as well as a partial refueling solution (up to 60%) for vehicles requiring a pressure of 700 bar.
This station is dedicated to the city’s public transport system and will also be used to power the first hydrogen bus tested by the city of Le Mans (August 2020).
| Markets
- Hydrogen mobility
- Hydrogen for local communities
Learn more about the H2 applications in the section: “Markets”.
| Equipment & Services
- Starter kit – McFilling 20-350 (IR)
Learn more about the solutions in the section: “Equipment & Services”.
| Customer
- Total
- Location: Le Mans, France
- Inauguration date: July 2020
Read the press release
First hydrogen station in France connected to an electrolyzer
On April 11, 2017, the hydrogen refueling station of the FaHyence project was officially commissioned in the presence of Mr. Roland Roth, President of the Communauté d’agglomération Sarreguemines Confluences (CASC) and Didier Vaucois, the EDF Grand Est Regional Director, as well as partners of the project and hydrogen vehicle users.
• McFilling 20-350 cooled T20, SAE-J compliant, connected to a McLyzer 20-30 electrolyzer
• Fleet of 25 vehicles
• Sarreguemines, France | Commissioning: 2017
This is the very first hydrogen refueling station in France capable of producing hydrogen on-site and on-demand from renewable energy, towards a sustainable mobility!
McPhy designed, manufactured and integrated the first hydrogen system in France, combining an innovative high energy-efficient electrolyzer with a hydrogen station with a capacity of 40 kg per day.
Adapted to different vehicle models and with a capacity for 25 recharges per day at 350 bar, this station contributes to cross-border hydrogen mobility with Germany and Benelux with refueling completed in just a few minutes.
The station’s electrolyzer system is autonomous; configured to automatically trigger the control for the production of hydrogen and ensure the continuous availability of the equipment.
McPhy provides support to the Communauté d’Agglomération Sarreguemines Confluences (CASC) in operating the equipment throughout the project and also supplied a temporary hydrogen refueling setup during the design and construction phases.
FaHyence is part of the European H2ME project, funded by the European FCH JU program, whose goal is to deploy 29 hydrogen-fueled service stations and more than 300 vehicles by 2020. These activities have received funding from the European Union under the HORIZON 2020 program through the Fuels Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking under Grant Agreement No. 671438.
| Markets
- Hydrogen mobility
- Hydrogen for local communities
Learn more about the H2 applications in the section: “Markets”.
| Equipment & Services
- Integrated hydrogen system, pairing an electrolyzer (McLyzer 10-10) and a hydrogen refueling station (McFilling 40-350 T40)
Learn more about the solutions in the section: “Equipment & Services”.
| Customer
- Communauté d’Agglomération Sarreguemines Confluences
- Location: Sarreguemines (France)
- Commissioning: April 2017
Read the press release
Hydrogen corridor in Normandy
The Normandy Region is implementing its own Hydrogen Plan. Its goal is: to strengthen the role of hydrogen in the energy transition.
• Stations equipped with IR connector for 350-700 bar compatibility
• Inter-operability (FillnDrive)
• Normandy Region, France | Commissioning: 2019-2020
The EAS-HyMob program is an ambitious program which aims to position the Region at the forefront of the hydrogen revolution.
Eas-HyMob should make it possible to set up an initial network of 15 hydrogen refueling stations on the main Norman roads, linking the major agglomerations. The installation of each refueling station will be synchronized with the deployment of a fleet of approximately 250 hydrogen vehicles.
McPhy will provide 7 hydrogen stations to support the deployment of hydrogen mobility in the Eure and Calvados communities.
| Markets
- Hydrogen mobility
- H2 in the territories
Learn more about the H2 applications in the section: “Markets”.
| Equipment & Services
- 7 McFilling 20-350
Learn more about the solutions in the section: “Equipment & Services”.
| Client
Location: Normandie (France)
Commissioning: 2019 – 2020