McPhy has been granted exclusive distribution rights in Europe for SimpleFuel™, the all-in-one Hydrogen Refueling Station
McPhy entered into an agreement with U.S. company Ivys Energy Solutions, its partner in developing the SimpleFuel™ hydrogen refueling station, as the exclusive distributor for Europe. As a compact all-in-one station, it covers hydrogen generation, compression, storage and distribution for mobility.
[La Motte Fanjas, 9 March 2017]
McPhy, the designer, manufacturer and integrator of hydrogen equipment for the energy, transport and industrial sectors, has announced the conclusion of a commercial agreement with Ivys Energy Solutions, to exclusively distribute the SimpleFuel™ hydrogen refuelling product in the mobility markets for Europe.
Earlier this year the SimpleFuel™ team comprising of Ivys Energy Solutions, McPhy North America and PDC Machines worked collaboratively to develop a compact, on-site refueling solution to enable a new hydrogen infrastructure option.
SimpleFuel™ is a turnkey, compact and affordable refueling station. This genuine “energy hub” is a fully integrated hydrogen generation, compression, storage and dispensing system capable of delivering 5-10 kg/day at pressures up to 700 bar.
In January of this year, the U.S. Department of Energy announced SimpleFuelTM as the winner of the $1 million H2 Refuel H-Prize Competition. The purpose of this competition, which was administered by the Hydrogen Education Foundation, was to promote the development of on-site affordable small-scale hydrogen refueling systems with the aim of accelerating the deployment of hydrogen infrastructure across the U.S. to contribute to the widespread adoption of hydrogen mobility.
The compact physical footprint of SimpleFuel™ multiplies opportunities for its installation at all types of locations, even space-constrained: logistics platforms (forklifts), vehicle rental companies and other captive fleets, car dealerships, etc.
The product will be updated to meet the requirements of European norms and will be produced by McPhy at its plant in San Miniato (Italy) and distributed in Europe exclusively by McPhy.
“We are very pleased with the agreement that has been concluded with our U.S. partner, Ivys Energy Solutions. We have worked closely over the last two years on the technological and industrial development of this revolutionary hydrogen refueling station combining performance, affordability and accessibility. With SimpleFuel™, hydrogen is simple than ever. Easy to install, all-in-one and user-friendly, SimpleFuel™ will contribute to accelerate the deployment of hydrogen infrastructures. Our solution will in this way facilitate the widespread adoption of zero emission mobility while making possible to monetize renewable energy surplus”, concluded McPhy’s Chairman and CEO, Pascal Mauberger.
The launch in Europe of the SimpleFuel™ station will be unveiled tonight following the “Hydrogen, the missing link in Energy Transition” symposium at the BePOSITIVE trade fair to be held until 10 March at Eurexpo Lyon.
Newton (Massachusetts, Etats-Unis), le 24 janvier 2017 – McPhy Energy, le concepteur, fabricant et intégrateur d’équipements hydrogène pour les secteurs de l’énergie et de l’industrie, et ses partenaires du consortium SimpleFuel™ ont remporté le prix de 1 M$ de la compétition H2 Refuel H-Prize.
Cette compétition a été lancée en octobre 2014 par le Bureau des Technologies de Pile à Combustible (FCTO) du Département de l’Energie (DOE) américain et la Fondation d’Education sur l’Hydrogène (HEF) afin de favoriser le développement d’un équipement de recharge hydrogène léger et compétitif pouvant être installé à domicile, dans des ensembles résidentiels ou dans des commerces, par exemple. Ce type d’équipement est destiné à contribuer activement au maillage du territoire américain en infrastructures de recharge hydrogène qui permettra de démocratiser la mobilité électrique à hydrogène.
Les partenaires de McPhy Energy North America, filiale basée à Newton dans le Massachussets, sont IVYS Energy Solutions (Massachussets) et PDC Machines (Pennsylvanie).
SimpleFuel™ est une solution clé en main légère et compétitive dont l’emprise au sol réduite permet d’accroître les opportunités d’installation. Tout-en-un, SimpleFuel™ intègre production par électrolyse, compression, stockage et distribution, et délivre 5 kg d’hydrogène par jour à une pression maximale de 700 bar.
Installé en juillet 2016, le prototype conçu pour la compétition a fait l’objet de tests de septembre à fin décembre. Leur analyse a montré que SimpleFuel™ remplit les critères fixés par le cahier des charges du H2 Refuel H-Prize.

« Nous sommes très fiers de remporter la compétition H2 Refuel H-Prize avec nos partenaires IVYS Energy Solutions et PDC Machines. Cette reconnaissance des experts du secteur et du Département de l’Energie américain récompense les efforts de l’équipe SimpleFuel™ pour fournir au marché une solution compétitive de production d’hydrogène sur site. SimpleFuel™ ouvre d’importantes perspectives au développement des infrastructures hydrogène aux Etats-Unis », explique Prabhu K. Rao, Directeur Général de McPhy Energy North America.
« La solution SimpleFuel™ a un formidable potentiel dans de nombreux secteurs et nous sommes impatients de lancer sa commercialisation avec nos partenaires. Elle va contribuer largement au déploiement initial des infrastructures de recharge hydrogène, vecteur-clé de la transition énergétique. En intégrant l’ensemble de la chaîne de production, compression, stockage et distribution d’hydrogène à 700 bar dans un équipement compact et compétitif, SimpleFuel™ va participer à l’essor mondial de la mobilité hydrogène », conclut Pascal Mauberger, Président Directeur Général de McPhy Energy.
Chiffre d’affaires 2016
• Ventes en hausse de 91 %
• Excellentes perspectives
Fort de son positionnement d’acteur de référence sur les marchés en plein décollage de la mobilité zéro-émission et du stockage d’énergie renouvelable, McPhy Energy est entré dans une phase de forte croissance.

La Motte-Fanjas, le 17 janvier 2017 – McPhy Energy, le concepteur, fabricant et intégrateur d’équipements hydrogène pour les secteurs de l’énergie et de l’industrie, a enregistré en 2016 une très forte progression de ses ventes et de ses prises de commandes. La société entre dans une phase de croissance accélérée durable.
Alors que depuis l’accord de Paris sur le climat, la mutation du système énergétique mondial est devenue une réalité irréversible(1), le déploiement de la production d’électricité issue d’énergies renouvelables dépasse toutes les prévisions. Le niveau des investissements en ENR atteint des records(2), tandis que le développement de la mobilité zéro émission, initiée par les grands constructeurs automobiles, s’intensifie désormais.
Dans ce contexte d’accélération, McPhy Energy récolte les premiers fruits des investissements faits ces dernières années pour se positionner comme un acteur de référence des nouveaux usages de l’hydrogène. Ses solutions de valorisation des surplus d’électricité induits par l’intermittence des énergies renouvelables et de recharge des véhicules électriques à hydrogène démontrent leur pertinence pour répondre à ces nouveaux enjeux.
Ainsi, la très forte augmentation des ventes et des prises de commandes sur 2016 confirme le potentiel commercial de l’offre du Groupe sur ces marchés en plein décollage, mais également sur le marché des applications industrielles.
Faits marquants
• 3 contrats emblématiques qui démontrent la pertinence des solutions d’électrolyse McPhy Energy pour la valorisation des surplus d’électricité renouvelable
En remportant notamment trois appels d’offres majeurs sur l’exercice, McPhy Energy a acquis une reconnaissance internationale pour ses solutions de valorisation d’excédents d’électricité renouvelable par transformation en hydrogène, et injection dans le réseau de gaz (Power-to-Gas).
– Le contrat pour une solution d’électrolyse de 4 MW et de stockage solide attribué par Hebeï Construction and Investment Group, le constructeur public de la province du Hebeï, est sa première référence en Chine, numéro un mondial de l’électricité d’origine renouvelable(3);
– Le contrat conclu avec GRTgaz dans le cadre du projet « Jupiter 1000 » place McPhy Energy au cœur du premier projet français de Power-to-Gas qui prépare le déploiement de cette filière dans le pays.
– Le gain de l’appel d’offre du producteur allemand d’électricité renouvelable Energiedienst, que McPhy Energy accompagnera dans le déploiement d’une solution d’électrolyse de 1 MW, les études de valorisation et la maintenance à long terme des installations.
Seuls les deux premiers contrats ont débuté au deuxième semestre et ont contribué au chiffre d’affaires de l’exercice. Le contrat Energiedienst sera enregistré sur 2017.
• Renforcement du leadership de McFilling® en France
Au cours de l’exercice, McPhy Energy a activement contribué au maillage du territoire français en infrastructures de recharge pour la mobilité hydrogène en équipant avec sa solution McFilling® les stations de GNVert à Lyon, de la Communauté d’Agglomération de Valence-Romans et de la Communauté d’Agglomération Sarreguemines Confluences (CASC) et en remportant l’appel d’offre de la Métropole Rouen Normandie. La solution clé en main McFilling® équipe désormais 7 des 14 stations hydrogène françaises.
Aux Etats-Unis, le consortium auquel participe McPhy Energy a achevé le développement de la solution de recharge légère et compétitive SimpleFuelTM destinée à un usage privé ou professionnel qui lui ouvre d’importantes perspectives.
• Nouveaux développements prometteurs des solutions pour l’industrie
Alors que les groupes industriels commencent à s’engager dans la réduction de leurs émissions pour lutter contre le changement climatique(4), McPhy Energy est en train d’équiper une première plateforme industrielle en France avec une solution couplant production d’hydrogène zéro-émission sur site et stockage sous forme solide.
Le Groupe a par ailleurs pris pied dans un nouveau secteur, et va livrer une solution de production d’hydrogène sur site à la centrale thermique chinoise CPI Zaoquan pour équiper le système de refroidissement de son alternateur.
• Une organisation renforcée
Pour bénéficier pleinement de son entrée dans cette phase de forte croissance, le Groupe a renforcé son organisation avec l’arrivée de deux experts chevronnés aux expertises complémentaires dans les technologies cleantech et la structuration d’activités.
Pascal Mauberger s’est ainsi assuré la collaboration de Jean de Vauxclairs (50 ans, Ecole Polytechnique) en tant que Senior Advisor. Jean de Vauxclairs lui apporte son expertise dans les infrastructures et les solutions technologiques associées dans les secteurs de l’environnement et de l’énergie.
Jean de Vauxclairs a occupé différents postes de direction chez le spécialiste des services énergétiques Dalkia, avant de devenir Président de sa filiale Crystal, un des leaders français du génie climatique. Il a ensuite rejoint Veolia Water Technologies, leader mondial des solutions technologiques pour les installations de traitement de l’eau, en tant que Directeur Général Adjoint, avant d’en être nommé Directeur Général.
En outre, Gilles Cachot (60 ans, INSA Lyon, INSEAD) a été nommé Directeur Général Délégué. Expert de la gestion de grands projets, la structuration d’activités et la conduite du changement en France et à l’international, il est chargé de superviser les opérations de McPhy Energy.
Gilles Cachot a débuté son parcours professionnel chez Alstom où il est resté 20 ans. Il est devenu spécialiste de la maintenance et des projets clés en mains au poste de Directeur Général d’Alstom Maintenance et Services. Il a ensuite rejoint SPIE comme Directeur Général de Spie Est, puis a présidé l’équipementier industriel Axorys. Dernièrement, il a dirigé les filiales françaises d’un groupe allemand d’énergies renouvelables.
• Perspectives
Fort de ces premières références et compte tenu de la forte progression de son carnet de commande, McPhy Energy, qui dispose d’une trésorerie de 8,1 M€(5) au 31 décembre 2016, est confiant sur la poursuite de cette croissance accélérée.
La société souhaite explorer en 2017 différentes options stratégiques pour accélérer son développement dans un marché en phase de décollage. Ces options, qui pourront aller le cas échéant jusqu’à un adossement industriel, feront l’objet d’une communication ultérieure, une fois définies l’identité du ou des partenaires retenus et les modalités d’une opération éventuelle.
Prochaine communication :
Résultats 2016 – mardi 14 mars 2017 après Bourse
Contacts Presse: Calyptus / Marie-Anne Garigue
Tél : + 33 1 53 65 68 63
(1) Source : publication « 15 signaux prouvant que la transition énergétique est en marche », WWF, septembre 2016 (chiffres 2015).
(2) L’électricité renouvelable a fourni 90% de la nouvelle production d’électricité mondiale en 2015 contre 50% en 2014. Sur les 9 premiers mois de 2016, elle a contribué à 22,7% de la production d’électricité des pays de l’OCDE, contre 21,6% en 2015 (source : International Energy Agency). En 2015, les investissements mondiaux dans l’électricité renouvelable ont atteint un niveau record de 270 Md$, à comparer à 130 Md$ alloués aux nouvelles capacités de production d’électricité à partir de charbon et de gaz naturel (source : REN21).
(3) en capacités installées en 2015 (source : REN21).
(4) Au 31 décembre 2016, 205 groupes mondiaux ont adopté l’initiative Science Based Targets fondée par Carbon Disclosure Project, United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute et WWF afin de réduire leurs émissions de gaz à effet de serre sur les recommandations des scientifiques du GIEC pour limiter la hausse de la température moyenne mondiale en-dessous de 2°C.
(5) Un placement financier de 1,0 M€ ne répondant pas strictement à la définition « d’équivalent de trésorerie » selon les normes IFRS a été reconnu en « Autres investissements ». Cet actif financier est intégré dans le montant de la trésorerie de gestion de clôture.
McPhy Energy accelerates its development and becomes McPhy
As the global worldwide energy transition becomes an irreversible reality1 McPhy Energy has demonstrated the commercial potential of its offering in the burgeoning zero emission mobility and renewable energy storage markets. To set the stage for this new phase of sustainable accelerated growth, McPhy Energy becomes McPhy and adopts a new visual identity.
La Motte Fanjas 14 Feb. 2017 – McPhy, the designer, manufacturer and integrator of hydrogen equipment for the energy and industrial sectors, has capitalized on the relevance of its solutions for monetizing surplus renewable energy and refueling hydrogen fuel cell vehicles to address the new challenges of energy transition. The Group’s new name and visual identity bolsters its position as a key industrial player in the hydrogen sector.
“We strongly believe that the hydrogen sector occupies a decisive position for the deployment of clean energies and meeting the challenges of the modern world: succeeding the energy transition by addressing the environmental and public health challenges as well as the requirements for economic performance by creating local value. This conviction is today emphasized and shared through our communications tools”, explained Pascal Mauberger, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
A new identity true to the McPhy’s founding values and resolutely forward-looking
Streamlined to convey more energy, the new name becomes a full-fledged brand.
The logo’s angle, symbolizing a company fully focused on energy was retained. The typography has been modernized. With a balance of sharp angles and curves, it incarnates both technical expertise and innovation, but also the close relationships that McPhy maintains with its customers and partners.
McPhy’s historic blue colour was revisited with a deeper shade conveying the stability of the business project supported by the Group. A letter “M” logotype with colourful shades completes the graphic identity. Playful and modular, this marker is built by overlaying and combining colours. It reflects the diversity in the energy transition strategies deployed by energy specialist and flexibility of the tailored solutions provided by McPhy to address their priorities.
McPhy asserts its ambitions
Our new identity and tagline set the stage for the next chapter in McPhy’s adventure.
McPhy’s historic designation “energy” was incorporated into a tagline expressing its business project: “Driving clean energy forward”. Giving stability to the logo and expanded meaning, this tagline conveys a strong engagement to McPhy’s teams, customers and partners:
“Since its creation in 2008, McPhy has focused its expertise on the deployment of renewable hydrogen to help drive clean energy with its customers worldwide. Our new visual identity and tagline “Driving clean energy forward” convey our founding values while setting the stage for the next chapter in McPhy’s history.”, concluded Pascal Mauberger, McPhy’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.
In the framework of the energy transition, and as a leading supplier of hydrogen production, storage and distribution equipment, McPhy contributes to the deployment of clean hydrogen throughout the world.
Thanks to its wide range of products and services dedicated to the hydrogen energy, zero emission mobility and industrial hydrogen markets, McPhy provides turnkey solutions to its clients. These solutions are tailored to our client applications: renewable energy surplus storage and valorization, fuel cell car refueling, raw material for industrial sites.
As a designer, manufacturer and integrator of hydrogen equipment since 2008, McPhy has three development, engineering and production units based in Europe (France, Italy, Germany).
The company’s international subsidiaries ensure a global sales coverage of McPhy’s innovative hydrogen solutions.
McPhy is listed on NYSE Euronext Paris (Segment C, ISIN code: FR0011742329; ticker: MCPHY).
Media relations
Nicolas Merigeau
T. +33 (0)1 44 71 94 98
Investor relations
Julie Coulot | Emmanuel Huynh
T. +33 (0)1 44 71 20 40
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H2 mobility: McPhy Energy North America and its SimpleFuelTM team members declared winner of the $1 million H2 Refuel H-Prize Competition by the DOE
[Newton (Massachusetts, Etats-Unis), 24 January 2017]
McPhy Energy North America, the designer, manufacturer and integrator of hydrogen equipment for the energy and industrial sectors, is part of Team SimpleFuel™ which has been awarded the $1 million H2 Refuel H-Prize by the by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE).
Launched by the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Fuel Cell Technologies Office (FCTO) and the Hydrogen Education Foundation (HEF) in October 2014, the H2 Refuel H-Prize Competition challenged America’s innovators to develop on-site, affordable small-scale hydrogen refueling system which can be used in homes, community centers, small businesses, or similar locations. Such solutions will aim to be an integral part of the continued deployment of hydrogen infrastructure across the U.S. to contribute to the widespread adoption of fuel cell electric vehicles.
Team SimpleFuel™ is a collaboration of McPhy Energy N.A. (McPhy Energy Group), IVYS Energy Solutions and PDC Machines. The SimpleFuel™ home-scale refueling appliance is a fully integrated hydrogen generation, compression, storage and dispensing system capable of delivering up to 5 kg/day of hydrogen to vehicles at pressures up to 700 bar using hydrogen produced via electrolysis. The design minimizes setback distances and reduces its physical footprint such that the installation opportunities are more widespread.
The prototype of SimpleFuel™ was designed and installed in July 2016. It was tested from September 2016 through December 2016 to evaluate its capabilities against a set of criteria defined by the H2 Refuel H-Prize Competition.
« We are very proud to win the H2 Refuel H-Prize Competition with our partners IVYS Energy Solutions and PDC Machines. This recognition by the industry experts and the U.S. Department of Energy of our alliance, validates our efforts in providing cost effective distributed on-site hydrogen generation solutions to the industry. SimpleFuel™ opening up major prospects for distributed infrastructure deployment in the U.S. »declared Prabhu K. Rao, CEO of McPhy Energy North America.
« SimpleFuel™ has great commercial potential in many industries and we look forward to commercializing this with our partners. As hydrogen is a key lever to address the challenge of energy transition, it will have a great contribution to the initial deployment of HRS infrastructure by offering the possibility to have all-in-one affordable refueling 700 bar solutions to trigger the hydrogen mobility booming market », concluded Pascal Mauberger, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of McPhy Energy.
2016 Revenue (PDF)
[La Motte Fanjas, 18 January 2017]
Building on its leading positions in the burgeoning zero-emission mobility and renewable energy storage markets, McPhy Energy has moved into a phase of strong growth.
McPhy Energy wins the call for tenders issued by the German group Energiedienst
In the burgeoning renewable energy storage market, McPhy Energy won a third major project in 2016 to supply the German green energy firm Energiedienst with a hydrogen production solution and supports its deployment and operational use.
[La Motte-Fanjas, 12 January 2017]
McPhy Energy, which designs, manufactures and integrates hydrogen equipment for the energy and industrial sectors, has won the call for tenders issued by Energiedienst , the hydroelectricity specialist from Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
McPhy Energy will be supporting Energiedienst to set up a green hydrogen production facility at the site of its Wyhlen hydroelectric power plant, supplying it with a 1 MW hydrogen generation unit. The Group will also manage this facility’s maintenance under a long-term contract and will support Energiedienst to monetize its production for applications in industrial markets, as well as zero-emission mobility and injection into gas networks.
This project for a green hydrogen production facility, which will be delivered at the end of 2017, is part of the renewable energy storage program based on hydrogen technologies launched by the German foundation ZSW. It offers a response to the storage issues linked to the acceleration in the deployment of renewable energies, which are inherently intermittent, around the world. In Germany, renewable energies are expected to represent 35% of the electricity consumed by 2020(1).
Irene Knauber, member of the management of Energiedienst, emphasizes the project’s important contribution to energy transition and climate protection. “We plan to use the produced hydrogen primarily for fuel cell cars. With our green electricity coming from hydropower, we empower climate-neutral mobility besides electromobility. With McPhy we have an experienced partner for alkaline electrolysis on our side to produce environmental friendly hydrogen from green electricity”.
“Following the project in China’s Hebei Province and the GRTgaz project in France, the green hydrogen production facility for the Wyhlen hydroelectric power plant is the third call for tenders won in 2016 with our Power-to-Gas solutions. With this latest contract, McPhy Energy’s teams will have installed more than 13 MW of high-capacity electrolyzers, making it possible to produce more than 5 tons of green hydrogen each day. We would like to thank the teams from Energiedienst for placing their confidence and trust in us to support them on this project, which will help capitalize on surplus renewable electricity in Germany, which is number two worldwide for renewable energy”, concludes Pascal Mauberger, McPhy Energy’s Chairman and CEO.
(1) Source: ZSW, December 2016.
| About McPhy Energy
In the framework of the energy transition, and as a leading supplier of hydrogen production, storage and distribution equipment, McPhy Energy contributes to the deployment of clean hydrogen throughout the world.
Thanks to its wide range of products and services dedicated to the hydrogen energy, zero emission mobility and industrial hydrogen markets, McPhy Energy provides turnkey solutions to its clients. These solutions are tailored to our client applications: renewable energy surplus storage and monetization, fuel cell car refueling, raw material for industrial sites.
As a designer, manufacturer and integrator of hydrogen equipment since 2008, McPhy Energy has three development, engineering and production units based in Europe (France, Italy, Germany).
The company’s international subsidiaries ensure a global sales coverage of McPhy’s innovative hydrogen solutions.
McPhy Energy is listed on NYSE Euronext Paris (Segment C, ISIN code: FR0011742329; ticker: MCPHY).
Press Contact
Calyptus – Marie-Anne Garigue
Tél : + 33 1 53 65 68 63
| About EnergieDienst
EnergieDienst group produces exclusively green electricity and sells electricity and gas. Since 1999, private customers receive green power of the trade mark NaturEnergie only. Furthermore, the group offers services for heat management and decentralized generation. The group serves around 250.000 private and commercial customers, 19.000 business customers and 46 municipal customers. EnergieDienst sold 9,4 Billion kWh in 2015, serving a grid of around 760.000 people. EnergieDienst group employs around 840 people incl. 42 trainees. EnergieDienst Holding AG owns EnergieDienst AG, ED Netze GmbH, NaturEnergie AG, die EnAlpin AG in Wallis and Tritec AG. EnergieDienst Holding AG is an associated company of EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG in Karlsruhe.
Press Contact
Ingrid Mardo
Tél : + 49 7763 81-2655
Power-to-Gas: GRTgaz selects McPhy Energy for the Jupiter 1000 project of Fos-sur-Mer in France
- Supplying electrolysers with total power capacity of 1 MW
- A decisive project for launching the Power-to-Gas sector in France
[La Motte-Fanjas, 2 December 2015]
McPhy Energy, specialised in hydrogen production and storage equipment for industry and energy markets, has been selected as supplier and partner for the Power-to-Gas “Jupiter 1000” project that has just been officially launched in conjunction with the organization of COP21.
As part of the Jupiter 1000 project, McPhy Energy will supply GRTgaz with hydrogen production equipment with a total power of 1 MW. As key components of this project, McPhy Energy electrolysers transform surplus energy originating from renewable sources into hydrogen. This green hydrogen will be injected into the natural gas network either directly or after transformation into methane, the principal constituent of natural gas.
Jupiter 1000 is the first French Power-to-Gas project seeking to store renewable electricity by injecting hydrogen and methane synthesis into the gas supply network. This project to be commissioned in 2018 in Fos-sur-Mer (Bouches-du-Rhône) sets the stage for the deployment of the French Power-to-Gas sector.
By transforming surplus electricity originating from wind and solar energy into hydrogen, Power-to-Gas offers a solution to the problem caused by surplus production that will become more challenging with the inevitable acceleration in the development of intermittent renewables.
“After the hybrid Prenzlau power plant in Germany commissioned in November 2014, we are particularly pleased in having been selected to provide the electrolysis technology to produce hydrogen derived from renewable electricity at Fos-sur-Mer. We wish to thank GRTgaz and the partners of the Jupiter 1000 project for this show of confidence This project marks the first step in launching Power-to-Gas in France. This sector has already demonstrated its efficacy in other countries in contributing to building essential new models for energy transition”, concluded McPhy Energy’s Chairman and CEO, Pascal Mauberger.
The Métropole Rouen Normandie, GNVERT and McPhy Energy join forces to develop hydrogen distribution infrastructure for the Rouen metropolitan region
[29 November 2016]
Since 2010, the Métropole Rouen Normandie has been implementing an ambitious strategy for the development of sustainable transport within its territory. Deploying a distribution infrastructure for battery electric vehicles, fuel cell electric vehicles and rechargeable hybrids is a priority of the Metropole with the goal of reducing CO2 emissions from vehicles with internal combustion engines. In line with initiatives adopted to support technological innovation seeking to decarbonise transport, the Metropole has equipped itself with a hydrogen refueling station. It has acquired two Renault Kangoo ZE-H2, battery electric van with Symbio FCell fuel cell range extender.
GNVERT, a subsidiary of ENGIE, will operate the facility starting in the 2017 first quarter, thus reinforcing GNVERT’s commitment to promoting the development of hydrogen mobility. Designed and installed by McPhy Energy, this facility will make it possible to refuel hydrogen vehicles in five minutes at a 350 bar dispensing pressure. Located at Place of Boulingrin in the centre of Rouen, it will have a capacity of 20 kg of hydrogen per day capable of refueling a fleet of 50 fuel cell electric vehicles.
Rouen will thus become the second city in Normandy after Saint-Lô to deploy a hydrogen refueling station. This new milestone is fully in line with the project for the deployment of hydrogen mobility in Normandy initiated by the Region and the Manche department, in partnership with the ENGIE Group within the framework of the call for projects “Territoires Hydrogènes “.
An energy revolution driven by users
For vehicle fleet operators having opted in favour of sustainable mobility, hydrogen combines the advantage of a significant increase in autonomy (by approximately twofold) in relation to battery electric vehicles with a refueling time comparable to conventional fuels.
Hydrogen occupies a decisive position within the energy revolution as the missing link providing the connection between renewable energies as inherently intermittent energy sources and the multiple applications of electricity that include sustainable mobility. Produced from water, hydrogen guarantees a clean energy source.
A program supported by the Metropole, Europe and the Region
The Rouen hydrogen mobility project is 50%-financed by the Métropole Rouen Normandie, 35%-financed by Europe and 15%-financed by the Normandy Region. The Rouen station is part of the EAsHyMob project, a major territorial demonstrator for hydrogen mobility. This project provides for the installation of 15 refueling stations from 2016 to 2018 to offer more effective coverage of the entire Normandy territory and attract new users.
Companies with recognised know-how
| About GNVERT
Conscious of the environmental challenges and growing demand, GNVERT, subsidiary of the ENGIE Group, offers customised sustainable mobility solutions for companies and regional authorities seeking to reduce their environmental impact. ENGIE has been France’s leading supplier of alternative fuels (CNG, Boing, LNG, Hydrogen…) since 1998 and operates 140 filling stations. GNVERT contributes to the development of hydrogen mobility through its participation in projects including notably HYWAY, GRHYD and H2ME-2.
Press Contact
Tel. France : +33 (0)1 44 22 24 35
Twitter: @ENGIEgroup
Investor Relations Contact
Tel. : +33 (0)1 44 22 66 29
| About McPhy
As a supplier of hydrogen production, storage and distribution equipment, McPhy Energy contributes to the deployment of clean hydrogen as a solution for achieving energy transition.
Through its wide range of products and services dedicated to the hydrogen energy, zero emission mobility and industrial hydrogen markets, McPhy Energy provides turnkey solutions tailored to client applications: renewable energy surplus storage and valorisation, fuel cell electric vehicle refueling, raw material for industrial sites
After Paris, Lyon, Valence, La-Motte-Fanjas (on the site of McPhy Energy), Nantes (leased to Semitan, operator of the intercommunity public transit network) and Sarreguemines, Rouen will accordingly host the 7th refueling station equipped with the McFilling® solution out of the 14 sites in France.
Press Contact
Aurore GAUTHIER – McPhy Energy
Tel. : +33 (0)6 40 43 70 26
Investor Relations Contact
Marie Anne GARIGUE – Calyptus
Tel. : + 33 (0)1 53 65 68 63
| About the Métropole Rouen Normandie
Grouping 70 municipalities and nearly 500,000 inhabitants around the city of Rouen, and covering an area representing 750,000 jobs, the Métropole Rouen Normandie exercises a role as economic motor for the metropolitan region of Northwest France to which it belongs. In charge of the major public services (water, public transit…) which are its core missions, the Métropole Rouen Normandie intervenes as a local government authority committed to addressing the priorities of daily life and serving the interests of its constituent municipalities.
Press Contact
Marion Falourd – Métropole Rouen Normandie
Tel.: +33 (0) 2 32 12 23 16
Cell. +33 (0)6 16 21 38 54
McPhy Energy was selected to equip the hydrogen refueling station of Valence
- 4th tender awarded in France for a hydrogen refueling station
- This latest station is part of the national “Industrie du Futur” plan providing for 100 hydrogen refueling stations in 2018
[La Motte-Fanjas, 18 November 2015]
McPhy Energy, specialised in hydrogen production and storage equipment for industry and energy markets, has just been awarded the call for tender by the Valence Romans Sud Rhône-Alpes intercommunity authority for its first hydrogen refueling station. In this way, this regional authority has established its position as a pioneer in green mobility and sustainable development just a few days before the opening of COP21.
After Lyon, Sarreguemines and Paris, this facility in Valence is the fourth hydrogen refuelling station McPhy Energy has been awarded since August. France has accordingly achieved a new milestone in building a network covering the territory providing for 100 hydrogen refuelling stations by 2018.
This station will be equipped with McPhy Energy’s modular solution for the hydrogen mobility market (McFilling®). This solution is destined to supply a fleet of light utility vehicles for the intercommunity authorities as well as for ten private operators. The station will be installed near the Valence-TGV station in Rovaltain with two business parks housing regional technical departments and numerous service sector companies. It will become operational by the end of 2015.
“To meet the challenge of climate change, hydrogen mobility offers an important tool for reducing greenhouse emissions and containing global warning. It is also an important vector for creating value – energy independence, local job creation, enhancing skills – and social benefits – improving air quality, reducing noise disturbances – for regions. As contributors to the energy transition field, McPhy Energy puts its expertise in the service of zero emission mobility by deploying its infrastructure solution for hydrogen refueling stations: McFilling. We are very pleased by this new success of our turnkey modular and streamlined solution that is particularly well adapted to the needs of regional authorities. Our teams are very proud in having won this call for tender in our historic region, and we wish to thank the intercommunity authority for their confidence. We are very glad to be able to contribute in this way to strengthening the regional network with a target for installing 100 refuelling stations by 2018 by the industrial sector as part of the “Industry du Future” plan” concluded McPhy Energy’s Chairman and CEO, Pascal Mauberger.