“Following the signature of the framework agreement last June, HYPORT took ownership at the beginning of this year of the 2,600 m² site to house France’s first hydrogen production and distribution station in an airport zone.”
Our current events reviewed by the written press, TV and radio.
“Following the signature of the framework agreement last June, HYPORT took ownership at the beginning of this year of the 2,600 m² site to house France’s first hydrogen production and distribution station in an airport zone.”
[FR] “Hyport announced on Thursday, March 4th, the appointment of McPhy as a key partner to design and integrate two hydrogen stations and 1 MW of high power electrolysis. This project was announced on August 3, 2020 and involves the deployment of hydrogen in an airport environment”.
[FR] “About forty industrialists have joined forces to produce electricity from solar energy and then transform it into hydrogen through the electrolysis of water. Their ambition is to compete with the fossil fuel market by selling it at €1.5 per kg”.
“30 pioneering European energy players want to deliver 100% green hydrogen across Europe at €1.5/kg before 2030.”
[FR] “The manufacturer of water electrolysis equipment for industry and transportation sectors is well positioned to benefit from the massive support plans announced to develop this new energy.”
[FR] “The HyDeal Ambition collective, which brings together 30 energy companies, aims to create a European industry for green hydrogen at 1.5 €/kg.”
[FR] “Be it electrolyser manufacturers, such as the French company McPhy Energy, whose share price has increased sixfold in one year. The company is worth nearly one billion. Or whether it’s companies making fuel cells, to convert hydrogen into electricity: it’s euphoria. The industry is boiling.”
[FR] “L’industriel, spécialisé dans l’hydrogène vert, connaît une accélération fulgurante dans le sillage du développement de la filière.”
[FR] “Plongez au coeur de la filière hydrogène, mise en lumière par une enveloppe de 7,2 milliard d’euros, découlant du plan France relance. Avec, pour commencer, la genèse du développement du territoire auralpin, qui rassemble à lui seul 80% des acteurs de la filière “H2″ ainsi que des projets expérimentaux ambitieux, à l’image du programme Zero Emission Valley (…).”
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