H2 Symposium

Organized by the French “Maison de la Chimie Foundation”, this conference is a great opportunity to discover the latest industrial technologies allowing the massive production of decarbonated hydrogen and its applications.
On June 13, 2019 at the Maison de la Chimie (Paris), Pascal Mauberger, Chairman and CEO of McPhy, will speak on the latest technological innovations for the massive production of clean hydrogen:
“Focus on the competitiveness of very high-capacity alkaline electrolysis platforms (multi MW) in the service of the energy transition. »
| Thursday 13 June 2019, from 10:20 to 11:05 a.m. | Maison de la Chimie | 28 rue Saint Dominique | PARIS
& find out more about our Augmented McLyzer technology by browsing our website: https://mcphy.com/en/our-products-and-solutions/electrolyzers/augmented-mclyzer/zer/
We are looking forward to meeting you there!
Register for free here: https://inscriptions.maisondelachimie.com/evenements/colloque-hydrogene-decarbone-enjeux-et-solutions