Jean Paul REICH, Vice President of Afhypac and the former scientific director of ENGIE, has published an article in Le Monde in favor of clean hydrogen production through electrolysis. This #CleanEnergy solution will enable “the storage of wind turbine and solar energy while limiting industrial emissions”.
“Store wind and solar energy and decarbonize industrial emissions”.
For Jean Paul REICH: “The creation of a virtuous circle – boosting the development of renewable energies by offering a market tailor made to their needs, in turn lowering the production costs of hydrogen by increasing volume – is thus within reach. There’s just a tiny piece missing in order to initiate a drop in prices for hydrogen production through electrolysis, allowing it to become competitive with hydrogen produced through natural gas.”
| Find the full article on Le Monde website [FR]
A global automotive executive survey 2018
For its 19th edition, the survey, polled nearly 1,000 senior executives from the world’s leading automotive companies and more than 2,100 consumers from around the world.
According to the survey, 78% of executives think that fuel cell hydrogen vehicles will be the future.
A majority of auto executives (62%) still think battery electric cars will fail, survey says, mainly for infrastructure and charging time reasons.
More than three-quarters of executives think that fuel cell hydrogen vehicles will be the future.
To find out more:
Release from Electrek
Full KPMG study
With this leading project, the most important launched in Europe so far, the Auvergne Rhône Alpes aims at becoming the first hydrogen territory, both at a French and European level.
The Zero Emission Valley (read our previous release) has just obtained the financial support of the European Union. This € 70 million budget will help ensure: the ramp up of the hydrogen sector, the democratization of the use of hydrogen vehicles, and to win the fight against air pollution and climate change.
In the framework of the call for tender “Blending call 2017”, Europe has chosen to provide its financial support to the ZEV project.
The French Auvergne Rhône Alpes region aims at becoming the leading hydrogen territory, within France and Europe; and to turn the AURA into a model region with regard to sustainable development.
To this purpose, hydrogen, as a clean energy vector, plays a key role.
ZEV Project:
1 000 hydrogen vehicles,
20 hydrogen stations,
15 electrolyzers.
That is the reason why the Region applied for the European call of tender “Blending call 2017”, by submitting an ambitious project for the deployment of zero-emission mobility. The ZEV project aims at accelerating the ramp up of both the hydrogen-powered vehicles and the hydrogen stations’ infrastructure within the Region.
The size of the project, its innovative nature, the quality of the public-private sectors partnership and the economic profitability convinced the European Union, which has chosen the ZEV project over several others.
ZEV, a hydrogen project at an unprecedent scale
After the experimentation step, hydrogen enters into a deployment phase. Thanks to the European financial support, the AURA Region will support the launch of 1 000 hydrogen cars, 20 hydrogen stations and 15 electrolyzers, by providing a € 70 million fund over the coming 10 years.
This project relies on the wide expertise of the hydrogen energy already demonstrated in AURA. Let’s recall that the Region indeed gathers almost 80% of the hydrogen players.
Hydrogen is gaining momentum in the French Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region!
After having officially launched the Zero Emission Valley project, revealed a plan to make Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes the European leader of hydrogen, the Region now invites us to a presentation of the ZEV project on Thursday 5th of October. The switch to a #CleanEnergy mix continues to gain pace!
President of the Region Mr Laurent WAUQUIEZ reveals his plan to make Auvergne Rhône Alpes the European leader of hydrogen
McPhy went to the Arve Valley (Haute Savoie) on September 14th to meet Mr Laurent WAUQUIEZ, president of the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region, who presented his regional plan for the fight against air pollution.
A few months after announcing his «anti-pollution in the Alpine valleys » ambition, the regional president brought us up to date on the concrete progress of the projects and reaffirmed his commitment to make the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region a model in the fight against air pollution.
ZEV: Roll out of 20 stations at 1 000 hydrogen automobiles in Auvergne Rhône Alpes
At the heart of this plan, hydrogen energy is placed in an ideal position. In line with the Zero Emission Valley project officially launched two days earlier (see our article) Mr WAUQUIEZ reaffirmed in the presence of elected officials, companies and journalists his ambitions for the hydrogen sector: “The Region has a concentration of 80% of the actors in the sector. It must become the leader, in France and at the European level, of hydrogen.”
In addition, the location chosen for this meeting was highly symbolic. The first hydrogen station in the regional plan of Mr WAUQUIEZ was installed at the Bonneville hydroelectric power plant.
Clean hydrogen will be produced here with the surplus green energy (hydraulic) generated by the power station, which will fuel a fleet of hydrogen electric vehicles.
Naturally, the regional start ups McPhy (hydrogen station) and Symbio (hydrogen automobile) participated in the meeting. They had the opportunity to present their “full scale” technological solutions and discuss a roll out plan that would be in line with the needs of the alpine territories.
“The AURA region must spearhead the launch of hydrogen technology” concluded the president of the region, convinced of the economic and ecological potential of hydrogen. The ambition is clear, the objectives and the roll out plan have been calculated. In order to fulfill these ambitions, the region will initially allocate an envelope of 1.6 million euros, designated for premiums for the purchase of clean automobiles.

Bertrand AMELOT (McPhy) showcasing the McFilling hydrogen refueling station to Mr WAUQUIEZ, President of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region
The AURA region invites us to discover the Zero Emission Valley project on October 5th
When? Thursday 5 octobre, from 2 PM
Where? Hôtel de Région – Lyon | 1 esplanade François Mitterrand – 69002 LYON
What? Under the honorary chairmanship of its President Laurent WAUQUIEZ, the Region organizes a meeting dedicated to the hydrogen mobility.
Vice-President Eric FOURNIER, in charge of the environment, sustainable development and energy topics, will be chairing a conference on the theme: “decarbonized region, air quality and hydrogen mobility”, before leading round table discussions.
If you’re in the area, be part of the event!
Show your support for the Hydrogen #CleanEnergy sector!
Fill in the online form to support the region’s ambition “Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes: the center of excellence for hydrogen”.

Our answer is yes!
Last week, the Figaro dedicated a full page to hydrogen mobility, posing the question: “fuel cells, the future of automobiles?”.
Let’s have a look on the key messages of this article, into which Pascal MAUBERGER, President of Afhypac and the CEO of McPhy shares his perspective on the future of this #CleanEnergy serving clean mobility.
Fight against preconceived ideas
“A hydrogen fill-up of 3 to 4 minutes allows a car to run for 500 to 600 km.”
After repeated “dieselgates”, the laws on energy transition and other climate agreements, and the latest announcements by major powers who hope to banish diesel and petrol fuels, the question seems legitimate…and the answer simple!
Even if this technology is not (yet) democratized, it should be kept in mind that the hydrogen electric car has been driven all over the world, over millions of kilometers. This represents 2 500 “fuel cell” automobiles (equipped with fuel cells) that have been sold worldwide in 2016. And the growth curve is increasing.
As Pascal MAUBERGER reminds us, for the user “the use of a fuel cell car is very similar to that of a thermal engine car.”
A 3 to 4 minute fill-up of hydrogen allows the car to run for 500 to 600 kilometers. The innovation, and not the least, is that the hydrogen automobile has the distinctive feature of only emitting a little water vapor into the air.
Renewable energies: a key factor in the success of hydrogen mobility
The technologies exist. The time has come for their industrialization, which would permit to meet the major challenges of the sector: the rationalization of car prices and the densification of the hydrogen station network, still in an embryonic state at this time (about twenty currently in service in France).
Last point, but not the least: hydrogen mobility also represents a way to stock electricity from renewable sources. This surplus clean energy (with controlled cost) could be put to use and bring a concrete solution to the intermittence of renewable energies; at the same time participating to the flexibility and the equilibrium of electricity networks.
In this equation, the renewable energies appear to be a high value-added solution.
Proof that this is a hot issue? It echoes two other news items in a Figaro supplement the same day: the opening of the Frankfort Motor Show that “honored electromobility”; and an article on China, which is “preparing the big bang for clean cars” by announcing the end of thermal engines by 2040.
Stay tuned!
Find out more on the Figaro’s website (reserved for subscribers).
The French Auvergne Rhône Alpes Region is betting on hydrogen and has decided to make it become a “center of excellence”. Show your support!
“Make hydrogen become a center of excellence”
The French Auvergne Rhône Alpes Region is betting on hydrogen and has decided to make it become a “center of excellence”.
Through its ambitious “Zero Emission Valley” program, the region aims to deploy 20 hydrogen refueling stations and 1 000 vehicles. This project sets the scene for the hydrogen technologies’ industrialization phase, to be duplicated in France and abroad.
It is also a strong path to reassert the role of hydrogen in both energy transition and local economic growth.
Already supported by the French Minister Nicolas Hulot, and by numerous key players of the H2 sector – among which McPhy! – the ZEV project is awaiting your signature!
Fill in the online form and show your support for the Hydrogen #CleanEnergy sector:
China is joining France, Britain and Germany in announcing plans to end sales of petrol and diesel cars.
A formidable task for the world’s biggest auto market
For the world’s biggest auto market, this is a formidable task, necessary to reduce pollution and carbon emissions that contribute to global warming.
As a first step to address this #CleanEnergy #CleaAir challenge, China will launch next year a “clean vehicles” quotas system.
Enough to boost the electric & hydrogen mobility in the Middle Kingdom!
| Via The Independent
Find out more about Hydrogen mobility :
An article written by Valérie HOEKS, co-founder of China Inroads, with the participation of Pascal MAUBERGER, CEO of McPhy.
One possible answer: hydrogen #CleanEnergy
As China is on its way to becoming the biggest consumer of renewable energy (which is by definition intermittent and generates huge surpluses) while facing issues with the current method of energy transmission (which isn’t efficient enough), energy waste is a major challenge to be solved.
Energy storage methods can play a prominent role in solving the issue of energy waste from renewables.
Thus, energy surplus that is generated from renewables is converted into hydrogen using electrolysis, allowing the hydrogen to be stored and used for multiple purposes. Hydrogen can be turned into clean fuel to charge the hydrogen vehicles, injected into the gas networks, used as a raw material for the industry, or as an energy storage solution to give the flexibility requested for the smart grids monitoring.
Find out more by reading the full article:
Take a look also at our first project in China: a 4 MW electrolysis platform designed for the province of Hebei, from the contract signature to the equipment’s delivery in China.

[Forward Thinker] The French Minister of Energy Transition Nicolas Hulot launched on July 6th his Climate Plan which outlines the French climate diplomacy. He notably wants to ramp up the renewable energy deployment ; and also declares that the share of hydrogen into the zero emission mobility has been largely underestimated.
Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050
To achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, this ambitious roadmap aims at an in-depth reform of our ecological and economical models.
Among the measures announced: a strong withdrawal from the fossil energies, and a reduction in the share of nuclear power in our energy mix; which will de facto help France to reach a 32% share of renewable energy by 2050.
France to ban sales of petrol and diesel cars by 2040: “The share of hydrogen towards zero emission mobility has been largely underestimated”
With regards to sustainable and clean mobility, Nicolas Hulot aims to end the sale of gasoline and diesel vehicles by 2040. A strong objective which can only be achieved by the ramp up of electric, hybrid and hydrogen mobilities.
Interviewed by the French radio station RTL, the Minister has also declared that from his point of view “the hydrogen part / key role in sustainable mobility has been largely underestimated”, recalling that by land (urban and utility vehicles, bus, lift trucks…), rail (hydrogen trains), sea (hydrogen boats) or by air (hydrogen airplanes, drones): all types of mobility are involved.
The revolution is ongoing!
Read the France Climate Plan (FR):
Press release from the Minister: